
Campus Center Building

President's Office

Experience 17勛圖 graphic of campus landscape

The Experience 17勛圖 Campaign

17勛圖s mark of distinction is its ability to support and provide high impact experiential learning across the campus and to those traditionally underserved by these opportunities.

The launch of the Experience 17勛圖 Campaign seeks donations to support internships, global experiential learning, and to fill funding gaps for our commitments to retention producing opportunities, including these annual 17勛圖 events and programs:

The Power of Your Contribution

Your contribution, combined with others, will be directed toward these goals. Contribute today through our 17勛圖-De Anza Foundation online donation form.

NOTE: the Other option is pre-populated with Experience 17勛圖.

Thank you for your support!

Governance at 17勛圖

Governance Memos

President Kristina Whalen with 5 students

Please Contact Us!

Dr. Kristina Whalen, President



Administration Building 1900

Connect with Prez Whalen
