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ASFC Boards of Government

Senate Board

Vice President of Senate

The Vice President of Senate shall:

  1. Serve as the chair of the Senate Boarding Meeting
  2. Be a member of the President's Cabinet
  3. Serve as a voting member of the ASFC Campus Council
  4. Be an ex-officio voting member of all commissions, committees and agencies, which are represented on the ASFC Activities Board of Directors
  5. Make sure that talents of all senates are recognized by the means of division of labor
  6. Serve as an organizer in distributing designated surveys decided on by the ASFC Campus Council
  7. Be the bridge between students and ASFC
  8. Coordinate the Senate Board "Think Tank"

Senator (6 positions)

Senators shall:

  1. Carries out designated surveys decided on by the ASFC Campus Council.
  2. Be the bridge between students and the ASFC via setting up suggestion tables and listen to students' opinions.
  3. Serves as a voting member of Senate Board.
  4. Be willing to serve as student representative on at least one campus wide committee.
  5. Be a voting member of ASFC Campus Council.



SSCCC Delegate

  • Fulfills the position as the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) Delegate
  • Attend and participate as the SSCCC Delegate in Region IV meetings and social events
  • Represent ASFC by attending the Planning and Resource Council Meeting
  • Records minutes for Senate meetings


Specialty Program Liaison (2 positions)

  1. Research and present to ASFC Campus Council opportunities for service. 
  2. Report on the progress and accomplishments of projects on campus.
  3. Coordinate faculty efforts and student action on Service Leadership projects.
  4. Plan one service mission to be accomplished each quarter.

OPEN (2)




The ASFC Campus Council meets weekly on Thursday from 2-4 p.m. in Toyon Room (2020).


Meet Footsie

Questions? Contact Me!

Eliana Ridley, ASFC VP of Senate


Campus Center, Upper Level, Room 2013
