
Rose Garden

OmniUpdate Training

Resizing an Image with OU Image Editor

There are several reasons to choose and edit your images carefully before inserting into your web page.

You want to make sure the image is optimized for the web. If the photo is the original from your camera, with a resolution for print at 4,200 x 3,500 px, you want to resize it for the web screen. Review the 17勛圖 image dimension requirements for exact sizes.

Selecting the Image to Edit

You have different options for opening an image to edit in the OU Campus EDIT IMAGE tool.

  • When uploading an image, you can choose to .
  • In Content > Pages, HOVER over the image and SELECT Edit > Image. CLICK the image name to open it and you'll automatically be taken to the editing view.
  • When selecting an image from a file chooser, there is an option to Edit Image

A box showing choosing an image, an orange arrow points to a link in the bottom right that says "Edit Image"

  • CLICK Edit Image to open the editing tool.
  • Once you save any changes or cancel, you're returned to the file chooser and you can insert the image onto your page.

Using the Editing Tool

You can resize,  crop and rotate an image with the Edit Image tool. See instructions for each below.

A screenshot of an interface for editing images. Tools are "Resize," "Crop," "Rotate," "Zoom," "Undo," and "Redo." The image being edited is a photo of a chubby gray cat, lying on its back with its paws tucked to its chest.


  1. ENTER a width and/or height for the image, in pixels.
  2. CHECK "Preserve Ratio" to keep the original proportions of the image.
  3. CLICK "Resize" to apply your changes.


  1. DRAG the dotted outlines around the image to define the cropped area. You can choose an aspect ratio for the crop; use "Custom" for the crop ratio to be unrestricted. "Swap width & height" swaps the numbers of the aspect ratios.
  2. CLICK "Apply Crop" to crop the image.


  1. CLICK "Rotate" to rotate your image 90繙 to the right.


  1. USE the + and - magnifying glasses, or TYPE in a percentage, to zoom in and out on the image. "Original" returns the picture to its actual size. "Zoom to Fit" scales the image to fit the editing window. This tool doesn't change the image, just zooms in and out to make it easier for you to edit.

Save Your Changes

  1. CLICK "Save" to save your changes to your original image file.
  2. The recommended best practice is to CLICK "Save As, " keeping the same image file name but adding the width of the new size, such as footsie.jpg to footsiex700.jpg

Publish the Edited Image

  1. PUBLISH the image for the changes to be visible on your live website.

OmniUpdate Support Resources

Quick Reference Guide (910 KB, 8 Pages)

The basic training video is general to the OU Campus interface and will be useful as an overview.

Please see training pages on the left menu for steps specific to the 17勛圖 OU Campus environment, specifically how to log In, image dimensions and more.

Outdoor walkway with signature hut building

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