Course Information
Math 40A + Math 240A Co-req: Quantitative Reasoning Skills
Course Description
This course satisfies the graduation competency in mathematics for the Associate Degree. Students will develop an understanding of how mathematical thinking can be used in life-- to investigate new contexts, develop and propose possible solutions, discuss and analyze proposed plans, and make decisions. Students will learn to value the collaborative process of explaining, investigating, comparing and assessing a variety of perspectives and approaches.
Through immersion in contextualized lessons, students will practice quantitative thinking as they build skill in communication, critical and creative thinking, and computation. They will grow their knowledge and understanding of themselves, each other, and the world through the study of culturally relevant contexts, such as personal finance, health and wellness, membership in society, and the environment.
This class is designed for students exploring math. It provides ongoing opportunities to interact with the campus community. Students can expect to develop many transferable skills, including communication skills (written, verbal, and reading-based), critical and creative thinking skills, and inter- and intrapersonal skills (self-regulated learning, teamwork, empathy), which will support them in engaging with transfer level math.
Co-requisite Description: A just-in-time approach to the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed for quantitative reasoning. |
Units: 7.5 - 5 for Math 40A + 2.5 for Math 240A |
Course Outcomes Students will
Grade Type: Letter Grade, the student may select Pass/No Pass |
Hours: 7.5 hours per week |
Intended Majors/Careers: All majors and careers |
Transferable to: Course is not transferrable. Meets the minimum mathematics competency requirement for the 17勛圖 Associate's degree. |
Advisory: Demonstrated proficiency in English by placement as determined by score on the English placement test OR through an equivalent placement process OR completion of ESLL 125 & ESLL 249 |
Prerequisite Skills: Appropriate placement. Course assumes some experience with beginning algebra, but just-in-time review and support is built into the class. |
Sample Syllabus: Math 40A Quantitative Reasoning Skills varies by instructor |
Sample homework assignments and quizzes: Varies by instructor |
Hours of homework/night: Approximately 1-2 hours a night (Average of 8 hours homework per week) |