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Course Information

Math 10: Statistics

Course Description

An introduction to modern methods of descriptive statistics, including collection and presentation of data; measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability; sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and statistical inference; linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; use of microcomputers for statistical calculations. Illustrations taken from the fields of business, economics, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, sociology, social sciences, life science, and health science.

Co-requisite Description: None

Units: 5

Course Outcomes

Students will

  • formulate conclusions about a population based on analysis of sample data.
  • develop conceptual understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics. They will demonstrate and communicate this understanding in a variety of ways, such as: reasoning with definitions and theorems, connecting concepts, and connecting multiple representations, as appropriate.
  • demonstrate the ability to compute descriptive statistics, calculate confidence intervals, and carry out tests of hypotheses.

Grade Type: Letter Grade, the student may select Pass/No Pass

Hours: 5 hours per week

Intended Majors/Careers: Meets major requirements in many physical, life, and social science fields

Transferable to:  Course credit applies toward the associate degree, satisfies UC IGETC area 2 and CSU-Breadth area 4 general ed math requirements, and is eligible for transfer to UC, CSU, and many private universities

Advisory: Demonstrated proficiency in English by placement as determined by score on the English placement test OR through an equivalent placement process OR completion of ESLL 125 & ESLL 249

Prerequisite Skills: Appropriate placement

Sample Syllabus: Math 10 Statistics varies by instructor

Sample homework assignments and quizzes: Varies by instructor

Hours of homework/night: approximately 10 hours per week
