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17³Ô¹Ï Academic Senate Minutes
April 12, 2004; 2:30 – 4:30 pm, Room
Called to order at 2:40
Minutes for the March 22, 2004 meeting
received minor edits and were approved with one abstention.
Action and Information Items:
Full-time obligation. Paul Starer presented a request that the Board
would approve a tentative plan to suspend the full time to
Part-time faculty ratio in order to approve the Golden
Handshake agreement. There would then be a delay in
hiring for the Fall of 2005, and then hiring would resume.
The De Anza senate has requested a memo from Jane Enright
to firm up the language on the deferral. The De Anza
senate wants to ensure that there will be a commitment to meet
the full-time obligation once the deferral ran its course in
case there was a reduction in penalties for loss of FT:PT ratio
compliance. The De Anza senate will meet next week, and
this item will go before the Board on the 19th pending
faculty agreement through FA, and then will require senate
approval. In discussion within the 17³Ô¹Ï senate, and
in light of all the pending meetings and concerns, the item was
moved from an action item to an information item. The
item will be addressed at the April 26th meeting
of the 17³Ô¹Ï senate.
Division Elections: New senators are needed, and usually there are
two persons per division. Each division determines their
own election procedures and term limits.
Senate Elections:
The President and Vice President positions are open.
The Secretary Treasurer will serve out her term, to end
at the end of the Spring, 2005 quarter. The election
committee needs to announce these open positions, when to hold
the elections, and if contested, a forum to meet the
candidates. The Committee consists of Patrick Morriss,
Bob Cormia and Lauren Popell Velasco. Voting on Senate
Constitution changes will occur at the same time as the senate
position elections. Paul will get the meeting place and
contact Patrick. The elections will be held on Tuesday
and Wednesday, May 11 and May 12, 2004, the sixth week of the
SOFIA project:
Vivian Sinou presented on the Sofia project where
community colleges can create and share free course materials.
The goal of the project is to establish an environment
where faculty can exchange and build on a body of work.
The project would benefit at least three groups of
individuals: 1)students, serving as a rich resource of
information and viewpoints, 2) self-learners, including
individuals from developing countries, and 3) faculty, to
promote sharing and building. The sponsoring foundation
wanted to see a proof-of-concept for one year for CA only.
All FHDA faculty as well as faculty from other community
colleges are invited to contribute. In addition to
contributors, peer reviewers are needed. Finalists will
receive a $1,000.00 honorarium. A creative commons
license will be created rather than a strict copywrite to allow
for proper credit, allowance for modification, but with
restriction on public use.
Final Exam Schedule: Andy Fraknoi could not attend the meeting, so
this item will be reported at the April 26th meeting.
Senate Constitution: Dolores presented the proposed changes to the
Constitution. Much discussion was initiated, and further
discussion is needed before formal presentation. This
item will be continued at the April 26th meeting.
Plus / Minus Grading: The board will address the item at the April 19th meeting.
Committee Members needed: ETAC needs a representative for the spam
The meeting adjourned at 4:28
Respectfully submitted:
Maureen Mac Dougall
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