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17³Ô¹Ï Academic Senate Minutes
October 27, 2003; 2:30 – 4:30 pm,
Room 6712
For a listing of the Officers and Senators,
refer to the Agenda.
The meeting was called to order at 2:35
Minutes of the October 13, 2003 meeting
were approved unanimously (13 Aye).
The consent calendar was unanimously
approved with the following additions:
Scott Lankford to serve on
Kathleen Armstrong’s TRC
Nicole Gray to replace Scott Lankford
on Ken Mellquist’s TRC
Announcement: The District Board Room
has been reserved for Wednesday,
November 19th from 12 to 1 PM, to discuss FSA information
with all interested faculty. The Senators will inform
their divisions.
Information Items:
Plus/minus grading: DeAnza is in
favor of this, but the issue needs to go to a full faculty
vote. There is no official record of a vote having been
taken at 17³Ô¹Ï. Efforts will be made to have the vote
on the same day as DeAnza, and to have the vote take place
before the end of the quarter, and preferably before
Thanksgiving (11/27). Faculty and the Senate have primary
reliance in this area.
Dues: The 17³Ô¹Ï Senate will need
to pay the total sum for dues. Paul is putting together
an FAQ sheet to send via email to senators to distribute to
division faculty. Feedback by 11/11 would be appreciated.
All efforts are being made to place the issue of raising
dues on the same ballot as the +/- grading.
Replacement for Secretary Treasurer for
Winter 2004 quarter: Maureen Mac Dougall is unable to
attend senate meetings during the winter quarter, so a
replacement is being sought. The position comes with 0.25
release time.
Bernadine Fong,: Presentation on
Restructuring: The President began by stating that there
will be a 10% (4 Million) reduction for the 2004-2005 academic
year. Ideas and input are being sought campus-wide to
help discover new ways to either save money or increase revenue
to cope with the reduction. The process is being
initiated in order to identify areas that the college needs to
talk about and to look at more closely before any hard
decisions are made. President Fong discussed how funding
is distributed, how the financial FTES cap works, and how to
maintain enrollment. The timeline for these changes will
be attempted by December, 2003. Many ideas were
discussed, and the general fear on campus was relayed by the
Senators, especially in reference to program cuts.
President Fong distributed a list of suggestions that
have been offered to date (attached, green sheet).
IPC Restructuring Model: Bill Patterson,
Robert Johnstone: A decile system analysis report of
programs over the past five years was distributed and
discussed. The report seeks to identify programs that are
not performing according to a variety of measures, and to
further study these programs to see if they can be made more
cost-effective. A balance is sough between the
program’s needs and the financial reality of the college.
All programs will be asked to systematically report and
address ways to decrease costs. Senators that represent
divisions that include smaller and more expensive programs
raised the issue of the usefulness of the decile system with
regards to their programs. Similar concerns were raised
with respect to programs that receive categorical funding.
Further discussion reiterated that this was a working
model to just identify where to start looking to help offset
budget cuts, not to be used immediately to possibly cut
Basic Skills: Rob Johnstone: A
presentation was given that highlighted the academic success of
students that needed basic skills (English and Math).
Students who take the testing and are determined to need
basic skills training do not always take the needed courses,
and are unlikely to succeed in more advanced courses upon which
those skills are based. In addition, students earning a C
in a basic math class will be unlikely to succeed at higher
course levels. Many types of data were presented, but all
clearly indicated a need for better basic skills assessment,
achievement, and tracking student progress to better serve
these students.
With the above information in
consideration, the Academic Senate needs to take a leadership
role in how to proceed in the decision-making process.
Accreditation Report: Tess Hansen and
Rosemary Arca distributed materials related to the
Accreditation report for the November 2005 site visit.
Faculty and staff will contribute to the creation of the
report, and much of the information from program reviews can be
included. The themes include dialogue, student learning
outcomes, institutional commitments, organization, evaluation,
planning and improvement, and intstitutional integrity.
See the attached for more information.
Faculty handbook: A draft of the
revised handbook was distributed to senators for their
divisions. Faculty will have the opportunity to provide
feedback on proposed changes. FA declined to have input
on the document.
Committee members needed:
At-large member for Carolyn
Holcroft’s TRC
At-large needed for Julio Rivers
IPC faculty needed
LOAN faculty needed
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40
Respectfully submitted:
Maureen Mac Dougall
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